Welcome to
Alness Baptist Church
You’re Welcome Here

Upcoming Events
- Wed, 12 FebZoom:- email info@alnessbc.org.uk for infoJoin us on Wednesday morning every week as we gather to seek God and to pray for those things he lays on our hearts. Everyone welcome!
- Wed, 12 FebAlness Baptist ChurchJoin us as we have time around God's word in the book of Maliachi looking at the faithfulness in covenant living
- Sun, 16 FebAlness Baptist ChurchJoin us for Lord's Day Worship as Pastor Robert continues in our Sermon Series 'Crossroads' from the Gospel of Mark. It would greatly to have you join with us in person or online via FB or YT.
- Wed, 19 FebZoom for info email info@alnessbc.org.uk .Join for a time of prayer together on Zoom
- Fri, 21 FebAlness Baptist ChurchCommunity Food Larder is open to anyone who could benefit from help with food, kindness and signposting towards services in order to recover their lives with dignity. We are open to the public every Friday from 10am - 12 Noon and you do not need a referral.
- Sun, 23 FebAlness Baptist ChurchJoin us for Lord's Day Worship as Pastor Robert continues our Sermon Series 'Crossroads' from the Gospel of Mark join us in person or online via FB or YT
- Sun, 23 FebAlness Baptist Church (SCIO)Join us for our fellowship lunch after the Morning Service
- Mon, 24 FebAlness Baptist ChurchJoin us for our interactive Baby and Toddler Group
- Tue, 25 FebAlness Baptist ChurchJoin us for our monthly lunch club over a bowl of soup and a sandwich enjoy a time of fellowship and friendship together
- Wed, 26 FebZoom:- email info@alnessbc.org.uk for infoJoin us on Wednesday morning every week as we gather to seek God and to pray for those things he lays on our hearts. Everyone welcome!
- Wed, 26 FebAlness Baptist ChurchJoin us as we have time around God's word in the book of Maliachi looking at the faithfulness in covenant living
- Fri, 28 FebAlness Baptist ChurchCommunity Food Larder is open to anyone who could benefit from help with food, kindness and signposting towards servi8ces in order to recover their lives with dignity. We are open to the public every Friday from 10am - 12 Noon and you do not need a referral.
- Sun, 02 MarAlness Baptist ChurchJoin us for Lord's Day Worship as Pastor Robert continues Sermon Series 'Crossroads' from the Gospel of Markjoin us in person or online via FB or YT

Service Times
Come and Worship With Us
Sunday Mornings at 11am
Cafe Church 1st Sunday evening of month 6:30pm
Wednesday Nights: 7pm
Thinking of Visiting Alness Baptist Church?
What to Expect
Alness Baptist Church is an open and welcoming church. From humble beginnings, we have grown into a sizeable congregation. Our typical services include praise, prayer, sermon and fellowship. We are always overjoyed when people want to come to worship with us, so please know there’s always room for more in our gatherings. We look forward to meeting you.
The building is fully accessible to wheelchair users, includes baby changing facilities and disabled toilets and the worship area is fitted with a hearing aid loop.

What's On

Sunday Services
Sundays Starting at 11 am
Midweek Ministries
Wednesdays Starting at 7 pm
Community Lunch Club
Last Tuesday of each month
@ 12:30
Alness Baptist Church
Our Story
Serving the Alness & Easter Ross Community
Alness Baptist Church is a community of faith rooted in the love of God.
We are a small fellowship of outward looking evangelical Christians who love the Lord Jesus Christ in the town of Alness, which is located in the Highland Region of Scotland.
We meet each week - see Activities for details – to praise & worship God.
Alness Baptist Church, is fully affiliated to the Baptist Union of Scotland, and holding to the beliefs and practices of churches within the Union. As with all associated Baptist Churches, we have complete autonomy in the organisation of our church life.
Our Church worship is a mixture of contemporary and traditional worship songs. Sunday services are fairly informal with regular opportunities given for those who would like to share or pray.
If you would be interested in being part of a contemporary church at Alness, please feel free to come along to any of the activities you deem are appropriate for you