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Alness Baptist Church Kids Ministries

Childrens ministries at Alness Baptist Church exists to partner with parents to show kids a big God who loves them and communicate His truths to them at every phase of their lives.


We do this through two main ministries 


Tots and Toast our Baby and Toddler Group 


and ABC Kids which is our Wednesday evening teaching ministry which is for kids of nursery and Primary School age. 

Tots and Toast 

Tots and Toast is our Baby & Toddler group it runs each Monday morning, during term time from 10.00 am to 12 noon for parents / carers and toddlers.
there is interactive play and activities and also a snack provided. 

Wednesday Night Kids

Is our teaching ministry for our kids in Nursery - Primary School
This runs fortnightly alongside our Dinner and Bible Study Ministries for Adults 
It runs from 4:30pm to 5:45pm 
then we offer dinner before we provide our Adult Teaching Bible Study 
Our lessons encourage wonder and focus on where preschoolers and primary school children are cognitively, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially. Through age-appropriate activities, are building their spiritual foundation on these fundamental truths as they prepare for their next phase of life.

Recommencing Wed 13th September 


Registration Form

ABC Kids Parental Consent Form 2023


Secondary Emergency Contact 

Thanks for submitting!

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