There’s Always Something Going On

Cafe Church
1st Sunday Of The Month 6:30pm
It's church, but not as you know it !
Café church is coffee with a conscience.
It’s the fresh expression of community dealing with issues from a faith perspective.
At café church we will have discussions, live music, in a relaxed and informal setting with great coffee and great chat!
Find a welcome for everyone – whether a church-goer or not!

Community Lunch Club
Last Tuesday Of The Month (excluding July and November)
The lunch club is on the last Tuesday of each month, (excluding July and November) at 12:30 in the Church Hall.
The lunch club exists to provide fellowship and friendship, over a warm bowl of soup and a sandwich. And there is a cuppa with some wonderful home baking.
There is a time of song and reflection, either from an invited speaker or one of the team.
We would be glad if you could join with us!

Men's and Women's Ministries
Bi-Monthly (as announced)
The men's and women's ministries of our church provide numerous opportunities for connecting with one another, growing in the Lord, and ministering to others.  Other activities include movie nights, mission projects, Christmas parties, and fun outings.